
by FriendlyBet

Scoreboard My Bets Rules and Instructions Admin View


My Bets



Quick guide

Your friend has invited you to join a betting game he or she has created

1. Check the rules and instructions your friend has made

2. You can sign up and guess your results to the target games your friend has chosen to the betting game

3. You can login later and change every bet until the closing time of the target

4. Check Scoreboard who is winning

What is FriendlyBet?

Your friend has created a FriendlyBet betting game and invited you to join. He is the admin of your betting game.

It is fun to compete with you friends on who is the best to bet the results of your favorite sporting event, tournament, season games, playoffs or just the games of your own team. FriendlyBet let you create fun betting between friends for free! Not gambling but betting between friends without money. No more Excel or paper based friendly tournaments at your workplace or between your teammates or friends! It is free to participate and free to create your own betting game in FriendlyBet!


You can participate into betting game by browsing to the link your friend (admin) has given to you. Probably you have already done that because you are here. Sign up by given name and password and press SIGN UP.

Give your guesses of results for target games. There are 4 types of results to be given: 1x2, 12, score and options. 1x2 is classic betting type where you guess is the winner home team or visitor team or will the game result be tie. 12 betting type is typically a situation where you guess the winner of the match including overtime or penalty shoots or similar. Score type you are guessing the result score of home and visitor teams. Be aware that when guessing score, your guessed score might be used as 1x2 or 12 betting type also. It depends what your friend organizer has chosen when creating the betting game. Options type is used for selecting your guess from predefined options. For example, guessing which team will win the tournament.

If there are some additional links for your target you can access them by clicking the target name or target number. There might be some additional info about odds that are used or something else.

Rules and Instructions

Your friend (admin) has created the rules and instructions and they are available at the Rules and Instruction tab. If there is added a link to additional information it is available by clicking the betting game name.


If you have any questions, ask for your friend (admin). He or she can help you if you forgot your username or password, accidentally created multiple accounts or has difficulties to understand the rules or how points are calculated.

Admin will update the results of the target games. If the game has ended and no results are updated ask your admin to add them.

Note that the admin does not see your bets so he or she won’t get any advance over other participants, if he or she wants to participate him or herself!

If you are the admin, the quick way to navigate admin view is using Admin view on menubar or Admin icon in bottom mobile navigation bar.


You can see the current situation of total points and the result and points from each target game played from scoreboard. Only the target games whose closing time are passed are shown.

After the closing time is passed you can also check what other participants have guessed. It might be worth to check, so you can get some additional excitement while watching the game.

If your admin has given some additional result links for your targets you can access them by clicking the target name or target result. There might be some additional info about the result, statistics of the game or something else.

If there are something incorrect in the results, contact your admin!


Have fun with FriendlyBet, it is called friendly because it is not meant to be too serious! And remember that next time you can organize bettings yourself, just click here!